Every day, all day Monday 24 February to Monday 24 February
A blend of resistance training, cardio-conditioning and bodyweight workouts that can be completed in the gym, at home or at your local park.
If working without cardio equipment, simply substitute running, walking, stairs etc. for the designated workout cardio.
3 Rounds (35 Min Cut Off):
10 Thrusters
10 Pull Up
10 Cal assault
20 HR Push Up
20 Push Press
20 Cal Ski Erg
30 KB Swing
30 KB Squats
30 Cal Row(30/18kg)
25 Min AMRAP:
12 Dumbbell Snatches L+R
6 Heel lift squats
12 Deadlift
6 Push Up + knee to elbow
12 Cal Cardio
EMOM x 5
1. 12 DB curl + Press
2. 30 sec max cal ski erg
3. 12 Hip Hinge + Bent over row
4. 30 sec max Row
5. 12 DB cleans
6. 30 sec max C2 Bike
7. 1 min rest
90 sec work / 30 sec rest x 4
A. 10 Push Ups +Max floor press
B. 10 bent over rows + Max wall Balls
C. 10 mb slams + Max trx rows
D. 10 calorie cardio + Max sit ups
30 Min Cut Off:
50 Cal Cardio
10-1 Deadlifts
1-10 Burpees
50 Cal Cardio
10-1 Thrusters
1-10 V-Ups
50 Cal Cardio
By participating in City of Sydney online fitness classes, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and waive and forego any legal right that you may otherwise have against the City of Sydney and or against its officers, employees, agents and contractors.
To the extent permitted by law, the City of Sydney, its officers, employees, agents and contractors are not liable for any loss or damage of any kind including any personal injury, loss or damage to property or financial loss (including payment of medical expenses) that you may suffer while participating in online programs and activities presented by the City of Sydney.
We aim to deliver inclusive and accessible events. If you have any particular access or communication needs, please contact KGV Fitness on 02 9265 9879 or kgvfitness@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au.