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City of Sydney

Transformation: Mardi Gras to the cosmos with Powerhouse

Benledi House
Benledi House
186 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW 2037

Friday 14 February from 11am to 12pm

Join Powerhouse Volunteers for an exciting exploration of change through culture and festivals. 

This talk highlights objects from the Powerhouse Collection connected to the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, celebrating inclusivity, identity, ingenuity and the power of cultural expression. We’ll also cover how these objects reflect broader transformative events, which shape our world across time and tradition. 

We will also be joined by City of Sydney Curator Margaret Betteridge who will introduce our talk.

Image credit: Headdress by Renè Rivas. Powerhouse Collection. Gift of Renè Rivas, 2023

Contact event organiser

City of Sydney



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