Weekdays, 8am to 12am Saturdays, 9am to 12am Sundays, 9am to 5pm Tuesday 11 June 2024 to Sunday 30 June 2024
As a maritime port, Sydney relied upon the Customs House. This exhibition on the ground floor of Customs House presents a pictorial history of this important government building.
The Collector of Customs oversaw the increasingly complicated administration of shipping, trade and immigration. Customs clerks collected excise and duties and cleared goods for sale or export. Detection of smuggling and contraband goods were all in a day’s work for diligent Customs officials. In many ways the officials were the minders of money, men and morals.
The Customs House is a landmark building. Reproductions of historic artworks illustrate the centrality of Customs House in artistic renderings of Circular Quay and the changing city skyline and our modern city comes to life through a revolving series of historic photographs.