Saturday 25 June 2022 from 10:30am to 2pm
Meet up with your family, friends and neighbours at Green Square Library for singing, crafting, gaming and makerspace activities.
No bookings are required - just drop-in!
Activities and time:
Family Rhymetime - A fun program for the whole family, combining actions, rhymes and songs.
Green Square Library Amphitheatre 10:30am - 10:50am
Makerspace activity - learn the basics of circuitry and electronics
Children's area 11:30 -1pm
'Retro' gaming - using classic gaming consoles from the libraries collection
Aqua & Yellow meeting rooms 12 -2pm
Spoonville activation - Help us create a colourful character activation in our library garden. Bring a wooden spoon from home, then decorate it as your favourite storybook character using recycled materials from our craft cupboard. Place it in the garden for everyone to enjoy!
Children's area 12pm-2pm