Thursday 25 April 2024 from 10am to 2pm
The Coloured Digger event and Anzac Day March has been held at the Redfern Community Centre on the 25 April for 18 years. This service and march commemorates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who served our country in overseas conflicts.
10am - Digital portraiture and 10th anniversary photographic exhibition Serving Country by Belinda Mason
1pm - Welcome ceremony
2pm - March to the cenotaph in Redfern Park for the service and entertainment.
John Paul Young
The Glen Dancers
Haka for Life
Buuja Buuja Butterfly dancers Rayma & Rikarli Johnson
Green Hand Band
A free public event. Everyone is welcome.
Please contact Redfern Community Centre on 02 9288 5713 or for more information.