Tuesday 28 May 2024 from 6pm to 8:30pm
The Welcome Choir is an open, safe, friendly, all genders, all ages singing group of all singing abilities.
After disbanding as a not-for-profit organisation during the world pandemic, Bek Jensen has picked up the reigns to carry on the wonderful legacy of Sydney’s Welcome Choir.
We are focused on having a joyful and uplifting experience singing pop songs from many decades of great music together in beautiful harmony.
The Welcome Choir is a drop in choir with no auditions and no need to read music as it is taught by ear. Each gathering will be a brand-new song.
At the start of each session, we will be led through a fun vocal warm up helping us to control our voices by the talented and experienced, Bek Jensen.
Coming to The Welcome Choir is a great way to make new friends, express yourself authentically and step out of your comfort zone.