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Altitude Tea

Tea ceremony experience

76 Botany Rd
Waterloo NSW 2017

Mondays, 11am to 12:30pm Tuesdays, 12am to 5am Monday 12 February to Tuesday 31 December

Shake up your usual weekly routine and join Altitude Tea’s relaxing private tea ceremony experience and spend a calming afternoon reconnecting to your inner self.

Tea ceremony is a slow journey filled with tranquility and discovery. Here is where you can let go of your mind and open up your heart to find peace, connection and clarity. In ceremony, tea becomes a wise and gentle guide, leading us to our highest selves and deepest peace.

In this 90 minutes experience, you will embark on a serene journey to slow down and drink a variety of exotic high altitude grown teas. You will learn about the intricacies of different types of tea and how it can help your mind, body and soul.

Included in this experience:

  • A traditional tea ceremony using Gongfu set

  • Learn about the wisdom and philosophy behind each purposeful and measured movement

  • Sampling of rare and exotic teas with over 30 varieties to choose from

  • Tips on how to drink tea mindfully

  • Learn how to appreciate taste and aroma through tea cupping

  • Learn about the origins of each tea

  • Learn about cold brew

  • A sound bath meditation using crystal singing bowl

Discover the importance of mindfulness and how to be present in the moment by learning to drink tea properly at a tea ceremony guided by a tea expert.

You will leave this experience feeling refreshed and rejuvenated from deep within. If you’re looking for things to do in Sydney that will help you unwind, this tea ceremony experience would be a great pick for you.

This tea ceremony will be taken place at the Altitude Tea room in Waterloo. I can also bring this tea ceremony to your event.

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