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Soap Box Speakers

Soapbox orators in The Domain

The Domain
The Domain
Art Gallery Road, Sydney NSW 2000

Sundays, 2pm to 5pm Sunday 8 December 2024 to Sunday 25 January 2026



Grab a coffee from the nearby cafe and come over to Speaker’s Corner, the University for the People.

Steve Maxwell has a broad knowledge of Australian history and politics. His fresh and controversial approach will give you a point of view that might just change your mind!

Helmut Cerncic explains why Newtonian physics should no longer be taught in schools.

The sartorial Vladimir has a wide range of topics to suit users of social media, and he speaks from experience.

Mr Bashful has over 300 topics, so bring a question with you!

Angry Pete will explain why you should never give to charities.

Other ratbags contribute too. And, if a passer-by has something to say, they might well be given five minutes to say it, up on The Ladder of Knowledge.

So, come along and argue with the ratbags. Or get on a ladder and be one!

If you decide you have had enough, we generously provide a large art gallery across the road.

Contact event organiser

Soap Box Speakers



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