Saturday 5 April from 6pm to 8pm
Social with a Twist has been connecting women of all ages since 2014 to make new friends.
This will be an easy option to meet like-minded women keen to make new friends or expand their social circle. The event will be at the the fabulous Fullerton Hotel, and starts at 6.00pm. You'll turn up to your allocated table, relax, chat and have some laughs with your new friends.
Event fee includes:
pre-connection option with other ladies attending
detailed pre-event info
shared food selection
Singapore style chicken satay, vegetarian spring rolls, dolmades, falafels, hummus, baba ganoush, selection of cheeses, quince paste, olives, pickles, pita bread and lavosh
Social with a Twist has events in Auckland, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Sydney. Find out what the women say about the events and the fab friends they've made.
Click to connect and find out more about Social with a Twist on FB