Wednesday 25 September 2024 from 6pm to 7:30pm
Featuring Imagine case studies from the UK (Dahlia Publishing), Peru (Dinamo), Sri Lanka (‘It’s About Time’ travelling museum) and Ngunnawal country AU (ACT Bilingual Story Time), this online session explores the efforts to preserve and showcase diverse cultural heritage, traditions, and languages.
This global panel centres game-changing initiatives to promote the arts, literature, and cultural practices of Indigenous communities and ethnic minorities. Speakers:
Verónica Boggio, Visual Anthropologist & Founder of DinamoKulturlab, Peru
Farhana Shaikh, Writer, Editor & Founder of Dahlia Publishing, UK
Lin Zhao-Balogh, Multicultural Coordinator, Libraries ACT, Ngunnawal country AU
Sulakshana de Mel, Social & Cultural Anthropologist, Sri Lanka
Moderator: Dr Bilquis Ghani, Lecturer in Arts, Canberra University
Welcome by Lena Nahlous, CEO, Diversity Arts Australia
Register now to receive the Zoom invitation to the online panel:
The Imagine Project by Diversity Arts Australia is proudly supported by British Council and Creative Australia as part of the Creative Equity Toolkit.
Image credit: Dahlia Publishing team.