Wednesday 22 January from 10am to 4:30pm Tuesday 28 January from 10am to 4:30pm Saturday 1 February from 10am to 4:30pm
Discover the 3 fastest steps to create the life you desire, even if you feel stuck, lost and have no idea how to turn your life around.
Turning Point Intensive® is the 1-day 'Breakthrough Event' to living your dreams, rediscovering your purpose, and removing the limiting beliefs holding you back.
So you can make 2025 the year you finally achieve your full potential.
Discover the methods that have now helped more than 129,000+ regular people:
Transition out of meaningless careers into jobs or businesses that light up their soul (while getting paid handsomely in the process)
Coach themselves through challenging times such as divorce, job loss, health issues & depression, and turn them into victories
Go from drifting through life with no real meaning or purpose, to finding a “passion” that lights them up and gives them fulfilment
Overcome the limiting beliefs & stories holding them back from creating the life of their dreams and achieving their full potential
Click here to save your free spot
The "Turning Point Intensive®" will be held live via Zoom on:
Wednesday, Jan 22 (10am - 4:30pm Sydney Time)
Tuesday, Jan 28 (10am - 4:30pm Sydney Time)
Saturday, Feb 1 (10am - 4:30pm Sydney Time)
Registration now open. Click here to claim your free ticket.