Saturday 30 November from 10am to 4pm Sunday 1 December from 10am to 4pm
You will be able to choose from beautiful items including wearable textiles, ceramics, decoupage, jewellery, upcycled kimono, and glass.
Members of the Society of Arts and Crafts will be exhibiting on the upper floor with selected guest artisans.
The historic Rozelle Tram Depot was Built in 1904 and once housed over 200 trams. It has been beautifully restored and is now known as the Tramsheds.
It's one of Sydney's most exciting food and lifestyle destinations, featuring cafes, restaurants, a supermarket and community-based vendors.
So just drop by for a look - or make a day of it. Tramsheds is easy to get to. Jubilee Park Light Rail Station is very close, and two hours free car parking is available.