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Alli Sebastian Wolf

Beasties Part II

183 Regent St
Redfern NSW 2016

Every day, 12am to 11:59pm Saturday 8 March to Saturday 8 March



From the 8th to 28th of March, Beasties will take over an iconic Sydney bar bringing to life creatures both real and imagined. From eerie insects to demonic drag, artworks in video, dance, sound, illustration and costumes explore the darkness and beauty of being "other," drawing powerful parallels between queer identity and the underworld of creepy crawlies.

The costumes themselves are made from 100% reclaimed materials.

Join us for a special performance night: Queerbourhood Take Over 7pm Wednesday 12 March, staring Betty Grumble, Richard Tanumi, Izzy Ashido, Yolanda Frost, Dia Spice and Jonny Seymour.

Free entry.

Contact event organiser

Alli Sebastian Wolf


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