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Banner Galleries: Nancy Liang - The Patchwork Rabbit

Liverpool St
Sydney NSW 2000
Liverpool Street between Sussex Street and Castlereagh Street

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The artwork draws inspiration from Jogakbo, a style of traditional Korean Bojagicloth-making, and uses a collage of paper textures to quilt a patchwork of rabbits.

It reflects how the artist celebrates Lunar New Year in Australia as an Australian-born Chinese living in a Korean household.

The artwork highlights the patchwork of families, friends, communities and cultures that had pieced together a colourful and multifaceted celebration during Lunar New Year in Australia.

About the artist:

Nancy Liang predominantly works with paper and collage. Nancy’s artwork is often presented as a cross between hand-craft and digital technique. Through her projects, Nancy explores subjects such as belonging, place, history, and relationship with our environment.