Wednesday 10 March 2021 from 8:30pm to 11pm
Fantastic food and drink served from 6:30pm. Drop-in before the gig!
Anoesis formed in late 2016, a group of composer-improvisers who met through the music degree at the University of New South Wales.
The group’s sound is complex and spontaneous, laced with influence from contemporary Australian improvised music, world music, rock, folk, and electronica, and drawing inspiration and energy from the post-bop jazz of the 60s. In May 2019, Anoesis received the ‘Best Band’ runner-up prize for their performance in the 13th Bucharest International Jazz Competition. The group’s debut album The Hermit (recorded with co-founder Patrick Rogers on drums) was released in October 2019 – it can be found on Bandcamp and all good streaming platforms.
Greg Stopic – Alto Saxophone
Alistair Johnston – Tenor Saxophone
Eitan Muir – Guitar
Tomas McKeever Ford – Double Bass
Ryu Kodama – Drums
Carla Dobbie Project:
The Carla Dobbie Project is a 7-piece band focused on auralizing memory and experience through improvised soundscapes and grooves.
It features compositions by Carla Dobbie (tbn) and the skills of her bandmates Izzy Morrison (vox), Hinano Fujisaki (sax), Miles Rooney (tpt), Lauren Tsamouras (pno), Harry Birch (bass), and Pete Longhurst (drums).