Wednesdays to Saturdays, 11am to 6pm Wednesday 10 April 2024 to Saturday 4 May 2024
67206 Days, 2276 Full Moons
Since ‘the signing’ of the Treaty of Waitangi in February 1840, New Zealand Aotearoa has witnessed 2276 full moons. During this period, the Māori people experienced first a decline in their cultural identity, but lately, they have made significant progress in reclaiming their heritage and gaining public respect. Today, the celebration of the Māori language has become an essential part of New Zealand's identity, and it is embraced politically as an official language.
The New Zealand New Year is uniquely determined by the alignment of the Matariki star cluster. This mid-winter celebration symbolises the coming together and unity of the nation, respecting and embracing cultural differences.
The NZ jewellery artists featured in this exhibition contemplate themes of discovery, origins, integration, transformation, virtue, cultural respect, differences, and conflict.
Becky Bliss, Nadene Carr, Alpha Cheesman, Nina van Duijnhoven, Neke Moa, Caroline Thomas, Sarah Walker-Holt, Raewyn Walsh.
10 April - 4 May