Wednesdays to Fridays, 11am to 5pm Weekends, 11am to 4pm Wednesday 6 December 2023 to Sunday 17 December 2023
A group exhibition exploring the urban landscape, presented by Open Bite Printmakers. In this exhibition, all manner of urban vistas combine with whimsy, social commentary, environmental concern, history, questions and challenges.
The central installation in this exhibition is a large wall of prints and printed sculptures which forms a comprehensive collection of techniques, concepts and philosophies revolving around notions of the urban environment. It is a strong and thought-provoking work, powerful in its size and its black and white colour scheme.
Companion works, addressing the same idea of urban presence, surround and complement the central installation, adding colour and contrast.
Image: Yuri Shimmyo, Martin Place Deconstruction, 2023, reduction linocut