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The Flying Nun by Brand X

This is not a play about Valerie Jean Solanas


Friday 23 February from 8pm to 9pm Saturday 24 February from 8pm to 9pm

Maleness is a deficiency disease" – Scum Manifesto, 1967 

Valerie Jean Solanas shot Andy Warhol. This is the final and only time this will be mentioned. Valarie said she wasn’t a lesbian, a feminist or even a woman – she was a writer. This is not a feminist play about Valerie Jean Solanas, who said all men are a biological accident. This is not a manifesto. This is not a memoir to a woman who died alone. This is an interdisciplinary act of justice to give artistic merit where it’s due.

Cast and creatives:

  • Co-writers and creators: Laneikka Denne and Ziggy Resnick

Contact event organiser

The Flying Nun by Brand X



Other events at East Sydney Community and Arts Centre