Wednesday 5 June from 7:45pm to 10:30pm Wednesday 26 June from 7:45pm to 10:30pm Wednesday 3 July from 7:45pm to 10:30pm Wednesday 10 July from 7:45pm to 10:30pm Wednesday 17 July from 7:45pm to 10:30pm Wednesday 24 July from 7:45pm to 10:30pm Wednesday 31 July from 7:45pm to 10:30pm
Every Wednesday
Join us for a fun and friendly Argentine tango.
Come, dance or watch and listen to Argentine Tango.
Tango Synergy Incorporated is a not-for-profit, Sydney-based association created by and for dancers of Argentine tango. Tango Synergy was founded in 2007 by a group of motivated dancers who wanted to provide accessible priced milonga venues in Sydney and offer a quality mix of music and styles. This tango club aims to:
Bring together dancers from all walks of life and all schools in a friendly, inviting environment
Raise awareness of and promote Argentine tango within the community
Bring together and develop the Argentine tango community by encouraging and enabling current and future dancers and teachers to make connections, practice, improve and dance socially
Promote diversity and growth in the Argentine tango community
Share knowledge, expertise and resources relating to Argentine tango