Wednesdays, 1pm to 2pm Wednesday 1 February 2023 to Wednesday 29 March 2023
Our online Elements classes are designed for players with some taiko playing experience and focus on the integration of movement of bachi, arms and body, good sound production, development of speed, endurance, breath control, and a solid sense of rhythm.
Kerryn Joyce will be teaching this intermediate class, with a particular focus on the seated floor style. However if participants don’t have access to a floor stand that's fine as there will be work on posture for the seated style and physical aspects to playing in this way.
Students will also learn a number of taiko drills to help with strength, speed and endurance as well as a new taiko number.
What you will need:
space for stretching
a practise pad playing with drumsticks
an area with good light for the instructor to see you.
See you on Zoom.