Monday 5 February 2024 from 8:30am to 2pm
Future generations of Sydneysiders deserve a sustainable, inclusive, and liveable city – one that's better than the one we have now. So, what kind of city are we creating for future generations?
Join the conversation with The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC (Minister for Youth), NSW Government Secretaries and other great minds at the Sydney Summit on Monday 5 February 2024 at the ICC Sydney.
Presented by the Committee for Sydney (our city's peak urban policy think tank), the Sydney Summit is an essential half-day leadership conference where Sydney's leaders and decision-makers join the stage with new and diverse voices to set the agenda for the future of our city.
Next year's Sydney Summit will put a spotlight on intergenerational equity. Join us to explore how we can create a better city for future Sydneysiders; what young people want and need; and how we can plan, build and lead to deliver great outcomes, for today and tomorrow.
Discounted tickets for young professionals and not-for-profit organisations are now available! All tickets include the full Summit program and a networking lunch.
Find out more on the Committee for Sydney's website.
Event registration opens at 7.30am.