Saturday 17 August from 2pm to 4:30pm
Saturday August 17 – Sydney Eisteddfod NSW Drs Orchestra Instrumental Junior
Scholarship (13-18 years) & SE NSW Drs Orchestra Instrumental
Senior Scholarship (19-26 years) – St Paul's College, University of Sydney
This scholarship endeavours to discover and encourage an outstanding instrumentalist in the fields of strings, woodwind or brass instruments. The young instrumentalists compete for the scholarship as well as the opportunity to perform with the NSW Doctors Orchestra. The scholarship attracts the finest talent from Australia, and since beginning in 2006, just under 350 aspiring instrumentalists have performed on its stages.
Investing in the arts is a major aim of this scholarship. Over the past eight years, it has contributed some $75,000 to the cultural capital of the nation by making it possible for eight outstanding young musicians to study abroad.