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Joe Hughes @ Ready Steady Go Kids

Sport for kids aged 1.5 - 6 years

Abraham Mott Hall
Abraham Mott Hall
15A Argyle Street, Millers Point NSW 2000

Mondays, 3:15pm to 4:30pm Monday 17 February to Monday 7 April

Make sure you bring fast shoes ;)


Child: From $18.90

If you're looking for an afternoon activity to wear the kids out before dinner, this is the perfect activity!

Ready Steady Go Kids covers 10 different sports and the aim is to give children a taster of lots of different sports, while working on listening, coordination and balance. 

The kids obviously don't need to beMichael Jordan or Roger Federer and the main aim is to make them smile, laugh and work as team mates.

Classes are on Mondays from 3.15- 3.45pm (1.5 - 2.5 years) and 3.45- 4.30pm (2.5 - 4 years) at Abraham Mott Hall (15A Argyle St, Millers Point).

Grab a free trial

For any further information please contact Joe Hughes on or 0455 494 409.

Contact event organiser

Joe Hughes @ Ready Steady Go Kids



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