Wednesdays to Sundays, 11am to 5pm Thursday 29 February 2024 to Sunday 24 March 2024
Willoughby City Council presents an exhibition of student artworks selected from the 2023 NSW HSC practical examination in visual arts. The exhibition demonstrates the interests and passions of a new generation of young artists. Celebrating the artistic talents and achievements of young people, the exhibition features a selection of artworks from students who attended six local high schools:
Bradfield Senior College
Chatswood High School
Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School
Mercy Catholic College
St Pius X College
Willoughby Girls High School
The artwork selected for the exhibition explores a range of subject matters such as immigration, poverty, mental health, identity, and the impact of patriarchal values and the consequences of technological advancement.
Image: Lucian Chappell, Cherish the lost child within (detail), 2023, photomedia