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North Sydney Community Centre

Printmaking class


Thursdays, 6:30pm to 8:30pm Thursday 9 February 2023 to Thursday 6 April 2023


Adult: $270.00

Printmaking offers the opportunity to play endlessly with layers of colour and repetition. It can be used on its own, or combined with collage and painting to produce a final image. 

Develop your knowledge of paper handling and ink handling techniques, drawing inspiration from European and Asian artists, including Albrecht

Dürer, William Blake, Marcantonio Raimondi, Keisai Eisen, Pablo Picasso, and Yoshitoshi. Put aside the paintbrush and embrace the challenge of exploring your creativity using new tools.

Printmaking is an artistic process based on the principle of transferring images from a template made of wood, lino, glass or metal (called a ‘matrix') onto another surface, most often paper or fabric. Traditional printmaking techniques include woodcut, etching, engraving, and lithography, while modern artists have expanded available techniques to include screenprinting.

The design is created on the matrix by working its flat surface with either tools or chemicals. The matrix is then inked in order to transfer it onto the desired surface, often using pressure from a printing press. ( More modern printmaking techniques, such as screenprinting, do not require a press. ) The resulting print is often the mirror image of the original design on the matrix. 

In this course with printmaker Lucrezia Brotto, you will discover the various tools, techniques and possibilities available using printing as the basis of your image making.

Techniques may include collagraph, copper engraving, linocut cutting, screen printing, etching and glass painting. Learn four techniques per quarter. 

No experience needed, but returning students will build upon their knowledge.

Example course outline (note actual techniques taught each term may vary, call the Centre to confirm on 9922 2299):

Week 1

•    Course intro. 

•    Introduction to Collagraphy: (includes discussion of the material/ technique and history, a demonstration, and realisation with given subject

Week 2

Collagraphy: Self directed project 

Week 3

•    Introduction to Copper Engraving

Week 4

Copper Engraving: Self directed project

Week 5

•    Introduction to Xilography 

Week 6 

Xilography: Self directed project

Week 7 - 9 

Final project

Eckersley’s Art & Craft

Receive a 10% discount off full-priced items at Eckersley’s!*

Visit for your nearest store.

*Discount applies on presentation of course receipt or materials list. Stores included are Eckersley’s Chatswood & St. Leonards.

Materials List

*Please note: Although NSCC will provide some basic equipment for this course, occasionally you will be encouraged to bring some additional items to class. If you are doing additional work to the class activities you will need to bring your own art materials. This will be discussed as a group with your tutor.

Contact event organiser

North Sydney Community Centre


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