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Strut & Fret

Limbo – The Return

199 Cleveland St
Redfern NSW 2016

Wednesdays, 7:30pm to 8:50pm Sundays, 5:30pm to 6:50pm Wednesday 29 May 2024 to Sunday 18 August 2024


Starting from: $59

The creative producers of the critically acclaimed Blanc de Blanc, The Party and of course, LIMBO, present LIMBO – The Return.

Since its debut, more than a decade ago, the original LIMBO toured consistently, wowing audiences from Brisbane to Brussels to Bogota.

LIMBO – The Return is set to whisk audiences into a sinister netherworld of gut-churning contortion, breath-taking acrobatics and jaw-dropping stunts.

Combining a fresh and intoxicating mix of cabaret, circus, acrobatics and Sxip’s Shirey (NY) ecstatic heart-pounding live music, LIMBO – The Return is set to seduce audiences worldwide all over again.

100 mins including interval | Ages 15+

Contact event organiser

Strut & Fret


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