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The Flying Nun by Brand X

Hillsong Boy


Friday 22 March from 8pm to 9pm Saturday 23 March from 6pm to 7pm Saturday 23 March from 8pm to 9pm

Father, Son, Holy Megachurch

Hillsong has fallen. Brian Houston dethroned. His dynasty disgraced.

Hillsong Boy chronicles the weird and wonderful experiences of ex-Hillsonger, Scott Parker. During his twenty years with the megachurch he experienced the dizzying heights of Christian celebrity, and the lonely lows of being cast aside, all whilst keeping a desperate secret. Scott is queer, and there’s no such thing as a Queer Hillsong Boy.

Original music, autobiography, multimedia, and a leap of faith all collide in this playful revelation of coming out and getting out of one of the most talked about church movements of the 21st Century.

A Hillsong boy through and through, Scott has stories to tell, so pull up a pew and join us for a queer holy communion.

Cast and creatives:

  • Writer: Scott Parker

  • Director: Felicity Nicol

Contact event organiser

The Flying Nun by Brand X



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