Saturday 27 July 2024 from 10am to 4pm
What is voice? Much like good art, or great love, we tend to know it when we see or feel it.
In this workshop, you’ll work through the ways investing thought in point of view and leaning into character can help you find a unique and compelling voice. We’ll think about voice both in terms of narration, as well as the individual voices of characters within your story. We’ll talk practicalities: What relationship does voice have with your plot? How do you manage multiple points of view? What should you do if a story with a single point of view feels boring or stagnant?
You’ll walk away with a series of useful questions and practical tips to strengthen voice, an element that publishers and agents frequently cite as the key thing they are looking for when considering unpublished manuscripts.
In this course, internationally best-selling author Hayley Scrivenorwill guide you through voice and point of view with readings, practical exercises and space for reflection, all with the aim of strengthening narrative voice to craft compelling fiction.