Saturday 12 August 2023 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Join a behind-the-scenes tour of Atmospheric Memory with international director and curator José Luis de Vicente. De Vicente will share stories of how the exhibition was conceived and discuss the integration of culture, innovation, and futurism within the project.
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s breathtaking immersive art environment is inspired by computing pioneer Charles Babbage's concept of air containing a 'vast library' of every word ever spoken. This exhilarating show uses cutting-edge technologies and theatrical effects to create atmospheres filled with voices and history. Touch the world's first 3D-printed speech bubble, see your voice travel in a ripple tank, walk through clouds of text and interact with virtual environments in a colossal 360-degree projection chamber.
Bookings are essential. Ticket includes entry to Atmospheric Memory.