Saturday 11 May 2024 from 6:30pm to 10pm
A night to remember! Join us aboard the "Titanic" for an interactive evening of wining, dining and dancing, along with Captain Smith and his crew.
Once again we invite you to don your finest dinner attire for an opulent 1912 dinner party in Cellos Grand Dining Room. Tales from the intriguing history of the Titanic will be presented by “Captian Smith” – aka Michael Booth, who has spent a lifetime gathering knowledge and artefacts about the famous ship, which sank in the Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912… 112 years ago!
Set in our magnificent Grand Dining Room, each guest will receive a boarding pass on arrival (dress to character if you wish).
Presentation and photos opportunity with "Captain Smith"
Historic models & memorabilia of the Titanic
Bubbles & canapés on arrival with an authentic 1912 era 3-course dinner
Set in the magnificent Cellos Grand Dining Room
View video of event on Youtube
Bookings and information: Call us on 02 9284 1006 or email
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