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SRAP, Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific Association

A Nexus of Art & People! & Science – Forum Australian Museum

Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Cnr William & College Streets, Sydney NSW 2000
Hintze Hall

Friday 18 October 2024 from 9am to 5pm

Registration opens 30 minutes before.

SRAP, a vibrant association of researchers in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Island, is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2024 with a Forum called Art & PEOPLE! & Science at the Australian Museum in Sydney on 18 October 2024. 

The forum is free and open to all. Presenters include artists, scientists, researchers and professionals in fields as diverse as astrophysics, indigenous water management, public art, entomology, marine ecosystems, archaeology, social sciences and architecture. Attendees are invited to participate in interdisciplinary conversations about scientific and cultural topics that resonate with interests of the wider community. 

SRAP, the association of Spanish Research in Australia-Pacific, was established in 2013 to foster collaborations and culture between Australia-Pacific and Spanish researchers through joint research and development projects with universities, research institutes and industry. The annual Forum is designed to provide formal and informal networking opportunities.

In 2024, SRAP has placed people at the heart of its forum: Art & PEOPLE! & Science. SRAP aims to explore in an open dialogue, socially relevant topics, such as how research can best serve the community and the vital role that the nexus between art and science plays in today’s world.

‘For example, Operation Crayweed – Restoring Sydney’s Underwater Forests – is an award-winning project that features on the 2024 forum program. It was seeded during the first SRAP Forum in 2014 when marine scientist Professor Adriana Vergés met Sydney environmental artist Jennifer Turpin, and is one of SRAP’s success stories.’ Dr Paula Llull, co-chair of the 2024 SRAP Forum said.

The forum will take place at the Australian Museum, the oldest museum in Australia and fifth oldest natural history museum in the world. Housed in a heritage-listed building, the museum has been at the forefront of Australia-Pacific scientific research and public education since 1827. It is the perfect setting for SRAP’s Research Forum where people in the audience are invited to jump into the conversation.

Contact event organiser

SRAP, Spanish Researchers in Australia-Pacific Association


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