Saturday 15 March from 10am to 4pm
Adult: $225
No matter what sort of novel you’re writing, there often comes a time when a writer needs to deal with the growth of love, and perhaps writing sex on the page. For many writers, this can feel awkward. But a sex scene is not just about describing sex — it’s about characterisation, growth, conflict and more.
This workshop with Anne Gracie will explore techniques for showing the development of love between characters, methods of building sexual tension, and ways of approaching the writing of scenes about sex that will fit with your own personal style and avoid clichés.
This writing course, Writing Love and Sex in Fiction with Anne Gracie, will be held at Writing NSW in Sydney.
Topics covered will include:
Overcoming embarrassment
The kinds of love might you explore
Stages in the growth of love
Sex: the range — from closed door to more explicit scenes
Building sexual tension
Expected learning outcomes
Participants will gain an understanding of the following:
Why including love in your novel will enrich your story and widen your readership.
How to build sexual tension between characters, even if you never write a sex scene.
That a sex scene is rarely just about sex.
Clichés and how to avoid them.