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SkillsOne, in collaboration with the NSW Department of Education

Their Next Move: A Parents’ Perspective

The Independent Theatre
The Independent Theatre
269 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
The Independent Theatre in North Sydney

Tuesday 21 May 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

NSW Parents and Guardians are invited to a one-night showcase and free ticketed event - "Their Next Move: Careers Through Skills – A Parents’ Perspective" designed to explore the many and varied skills training and career options available to their children through Vocational Education and Training.

Through an immersive experience incorporating animation, film, captivating speakers, and live music featuring George Ellis and his pocket orchestra, "Their Next Move" promises to revolutionise the conventional career information. The event aims to infuse creativity, entertainment, and excitement into the process of career exploration.

The event aims to infuse creativity, entertainment, and excitement into the process of career exploration.

SkillsOne, in collaboration with the NSW Department of Education, are presenting the creative display, taking place at The Independent Theatre in North Sydney at 6:30 pm on May 21st, 2024. 

Contact event organiser

SkillsOne, in collaboration with the NSW Department of Education


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