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UNSW Centre for Ideas

Tamara Davis: Dark Energy

University of New South Wales, Anzac Parade, Kensington NSW 2033
UNSW Kensington

Tuesday 13 August 2024 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

From the celestial ballet of exploding supernovae to the cosmic whispers of gravitational waves, acclaimed astrophysicist Tamara Davis’ journey through the cosmos promises to captivate and inspire.

With over two decades dedicated to unravelling cosmic mysteries, Tamara Davis has played a pivotal role in monumental astronomical surveys, uncovering over half a billion galaxies and illuminating the enigmatic nature of dark energy. Her groundbreaking research has revealed that not only is the universe accelerating, but the very essence driving this expansion may be evolving over time.  

In an illuminating solo talk followed by an in conversation chaired by UNSW’s own Dean of Science Sven Rogge, Tamara Davis will shed light on the mysteries of the cosmos and the profound implications of her research which are impacting our understanding of the universe and our place within it. 

2024 Einstein Lecture: Tamara Davis | Sven Rogge

This event is presented by the UNSW Centre for Ideas,Australian Institute of Physics and UNSW Science as a part of National Science Week.

Contact event organiser

UNSW Centre for Ideas



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