Sunday 16 October 2022 from 10am to 11am Sunday 16 October 2022 from 11:30am to 12:30pm
How many millions of young (and not so young) people have enjoyed Sergei Prokofiev’s magical musical tale of Peter, a young boy, who sets out into the deep forest to catch a wolf?
Peter, his grandfather and their animal friends are brought to life by their own instrument. Peter’s bird-friend flits with the flute while his companion duck waddles along to the oboe. Lively strings hum with Peter’s cheerful energy while horns hint at the shadowy wolf at his heel. Then there’s Grandpa on the bassoon, kettle-drum hunters and even a slinking clarinet cat. Written with young ears in mind, Prokofiev’s classic is as charming and entertaining as ever.
Jean-Pascal Beintus’ Wolf Tracks _is a retelling of the story for contemporary times – Peter, now an old man, recognizes both the beauty of nature and of wild wolves as part of a splendid world. The music is lyrical, bright and enchanting, set against a superbly written story by Walt Kraemer. Fascinating and inspiring, it’s not surprising that _Wolf Tracks has been recorded by Obama, Gorbechov, Clinton and even Antonio Banderas and Sophia Loren. A treat for the whole family.