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Sydney Writers' Festival

Retro Sydney Slide Night


Wednesday 22 May 2024 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Starting from: $20

You may recognise @retrosydney_ as Nathan Mete’s wildly popular Instagram account that celebrates Sydney through the decades.

Now adapted into a book, this stunning collection of images from the 1950s through to 2000 comes with fascinating insights into the iconic sights and scenes of the city’s Golden Age. Retro Sydney 1950–2000 captures the city’s most significant post-war milestones and highlights its development and transformation into an international metropolis.

Pay tribute to our harbour home by celebrating the quirky, glamorous, exciting, menacing and wonderful times of retro Sydney at this slide night and talk.

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Sydney Writers' Festival



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Family Sunday: Write and illustrate with Dan Marshall

Family Sunday: Write and illustrate with Dan Marshall

Dan Marshall teaches participants how to write and illustrate fact-based books during Family Sunday!
18 May 2025