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James Matthews

James Matthews and Marc the Shark - Stand-Up Comedy

174 King St
Newtown NSW 2042
Newtown Hotel

Saturday 31 August 2024 from 8:15pm to 9:15pm


Adult: $29.00

Queensland's finest two. Even though one is from New Zealand.

Marc Cornaz and James Matthews are two renegades of standup comedy. Marc is a master of abstract material. His loveable personality and playful stage presence, have made him a crowd favourite from his roots in New Zealand to the shady shores of Aus. 

James Matthews takes a different approach altogether. His storytelling is as dark and disturbing, as it is relatable and hysterically funny. 

Join our two heroes, for an hour of exceptional standup, from two of Queensland’s very best.

This event is part of the Sydney Fringe Festival.

Contact event organiser

James Matthews


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