Tuesday 31 October 2023 from 6pm to 11:55pm
House of Horror – Halloween Takeover
For one night only this Halloween, Dendy Newtown is hosting a Horror Movie total theatre takeover! Tickets are only $12 for Club Dendy members, $15 for general admission (excludes double feature and 35mm screenings). Horror movie ticket holders wearing a Halloween costume will receive a free Medium Popcorn!
Calling all creatures of the night. Gather round, guys and ghouls. The most hip-happening hotspot this All-Hallows’ Eve is the haunted house of Dendy Newtown! With 20 spooktacular horror films, from cult classics to modern must-sees, taking over every theatre in the building all at once, there’s no better place to celebrate Halloween and get your spook on. No matter your taste for terror, we’ve got you covered.