Tuesday 28 May 2024 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm
Women are the heart of our homes, communities, families, and workplaces. An empowered and healthy woman changes the world.
Heart for Her, The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation’s annual tax appeal shines a light on the essential and unique role that The Royal Hospital for Women plays in women’s and neonatal health.
Join clinicians, ambassadors, guest speakers and patient families from the Royal Hospital for Women, for a unique and unforgettable experience among the lights of Vivid, as we launch Heart for Her 'Perspectives'.
Perspectives takes you into the lives of the women and families who are cared for by The Royal. Looking at each story and impact from a 360-degree lens – uncovering the connections that tie us all together.
Heart for Her ‘Perspectives’ will enable donors to directly support The Royal in advancing women’s health and important research.
MC Jana Pittman
4 hour food and beverage package with entertainment by Lucy Lucy
cocktail dress.
Individual tickets available via website, for group tickets and corporate packages, please email events@royalwomen.org.au.
Guest arrival from 5:30pm for lights on at 6pm. Formalities to commence at 6:30pm.