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Creative connections speed-dating

unit 16/40-42 O'Riordan St
Alexandria NSW 2015

Friday 26 July from 6pm to 8pm

Instead of conversation starters, we’ll give you creative quests to complete with your partner. Whether that be snapping the next Vogue magazine cover, recording a hit podcast segment, or sketching out your dream house – we’ll jumpstart your first dates with some creative flair.

We have a total of 20 x tickets available for ladies and gents aged 21-32 (half per sex) at this edition of the event.

Sound like a good time? Purchase your ticket below!

Note: If you’re a bit older, or part of the queer community, we have events coming up for you too! Keep an eye on our Events page to learn more – or shoot us an email with what you’d like to see!

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